Homemade Appetite Suppressants
Apples Curb Your Appetite
Not only are apples good for your health, but they have also been shown to have a positive effect on your appetite. For those who are having a hard time getting through the workday without having to snack here and there to satisfy those midday cravings, consider taking an apple or two to work with you. They contain plenty of fiber, which helps to keep hunger at bay.
They are easy to carry around and take no preparation; just rinse your apple under water and it is ready to eat. Apples can also help you to stay more awake and alert throughout the day, as well---an added bonus to its appetite suppressing capabilities.
Drink Plenty of Water
It may sound strange, but people who are having trouble losing weight might want to consider drinking more water. Not only does water take up room in your stomach but it also helps to make other bodily processes more efficient as well. Regular water contains no calories, it is good for your hair, your skin and eyes and it can ensure that you are less hungry throughout the day. Have a few bottles on hand at all times. Try to drink 64 oz. of water daily.
Eat Plenty of Leafy Greens
Bright leafy greens are known to have a host of health benefits. They contain plenty of vitamins and minerals for your health, and they contain very few calories as well. A cup or two of some leafy greens helps to turn your hunger off and supplies vital vitamins and minerals in the process. If you can't stomach the thought of plain greens, consider a low-fat salad dressing on the side. Kale, cabbage, romaine lettuce, bok choy---these are just a couple of options.