How to Prevent Stomach Bloating

Visible stomach bloating can ruin your evening and leave you feeling uncomfortable. Abdominal bloating is caused by excess gas trapped in your stomach. Sudden bloating can last for minutes or even days. But with today's demanding work schedules and social events, un expected bloating can be disastrous. Learning the causes of bloating ahead of time can greatly reduce stomach bloating.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
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      Avoid eating foods high in sugar. Sugar in your stomach turns into gases over time and can lead to stomach bulging.

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      Reduce your intake of carbonated fizzy drinks. Carbon dioxide creates bubbles(gas) which can stay in your stomach for hours and slow down proper digestion.

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      Avoid eating foods high salt. Salty foods are high in sodium which can produce gases in your stomach. Fast foods like French fries contain large amounts of sodium and should be avoided when possible.

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      Drink a lot of water. Many people believe water leads to bloating but it is actually the opposite. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of abdominal bloating. Lack of water can lead to constipation. The built up waste in your body contains high levels of bacteria that emit gases which get trapped in your stomach. However you should avoid drinking water while you eat. Water dilutes the stomach acids in your stomach that are uses to break down and digest food. This will leave gas emitting bacteria in your body for longer resulting in stomach bulging.

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