Why You Put on Weight When You Stop Smoking
Smoking increases metabolism due to the nicotine content in tobacco. Nicotine is a stimulant causing the heart to beat faster than normal, and boosting the rate at which calories are burned. Smoking cessation results in the metabolism returning to its normal rate, meaning less stress is placed on the heart. Without exercise, weight gain may occur, as fewer calories are being burned at a slower rate.
Nicotine sends feelings of euphoria and calmness throughout the nervous system as it stimulates the production of the chemical dopamine. Emotional and physical addiction to cigarettes is partially due to the body's desire to gain relaxing sensations provided by higher levels of dopamine. As nicotine levels, and consequently dopamine production, drop during smoking cessation, feelings of restlessness, anxiety and depression can surface, resulting in the increased desire to compensate.
Smoking is commonly replaced by emotional eating. Satisfaction from impulsive food addiction increases levels of dopamine in the body, replicating the effects of smoking a cigarette. This can lead to higher caloric intake, unhealthy consumption of sweets and snacks, and rapid weight gain if not recognized and controlled. Taking Vitamin B complex is one way to help restore calmness and healthy metabolic function and to assist in curbing cravings and anxiety.
Smoking suppresses the appetite, while decreasing the senses of smell and taste. This side effect is reversed when quitting the habit, leading to increased cravings and sensory attachments to food. Smokers are at risk of becoming compulsive eaters, using cravings for food to offset oral fixations and stress associated with nicotine withdrawal.
Daily exercise, nutritional supplements, and healthy eating habits will help to increase metabolism and lead to weight loss.
Smoking also leads to vitamin deficiency, as cells are destroyed by the oxidation process caused by smoke inhalation. Providing the body with restorative antioxidants, fibers, proteins, and minerals, can increase metabolism, support digestive health, decrease withdrawal fatigue, and curb cravings for food and nicotine. Positive changes lead to better overall body functioning so that optimum health and weight may be attained naturally.
Maintaining and losing weight through a healthy lifestyle is preferable to doing so through smoking. Weight is more manageable than the more serious side effects of smoking such as; cancer, respiratory illnesses, and cardiovascular diseases. While preliminary smoking withdrawal symptoms of weight gain may cause unfavorable changes in appearance, the body will readjust and respond to fitness and a nourishing diet, speeding up the metabolism and allowing for healthy, beneficial weight loss.