Cellulite Reduction at Home
Exercise Regularly
Incorporate regular, consistent exercise into your life. Not only will exercise help you lose weight, it will assist in diminishing cellulite as muscle mass is increased and the amount of fat cells is decreased. Biking, walking, running, stair-climbing or doing Pilates or yoga are just several examples of exercise that will help to tone buttocks, hips and thighs, the typical areas where cellulite is most prominent. More muscle mass will stretch the skin and decrease the dimply appearance of cellulite.
Detoxify Your Body
Detoxification is a way of rooting out the toxins from your body, caused by poor diet, excess caffeine, salt, alcohol and nicotine, all of which add to the appearance of cellulite. Detoxify your body by eliminating or significantly reducing all of the above. Keeping your body hydrated is also a component of detoxification. Water not only helps to flush out toxins, it keeps the skin supple and improves the skin's elasticity, which provides better covering to hide cellulite. There are a number of products on the market to aid in detoxification, including acai berry colon cleanse, herbal detox cleanse, and detox pills and supplements.
Eat Higher Fiber Foods and Decrease Fat in Your Diet
Decrease the appearance of cellulite by eating foods high in fiber and nutrients. Apples, grapefruit, kale, carrots and other fruits and vegetables are fiber-rich foods that can be incorporated into a healthier diet. Whole grains, nuts, soy, blueberries and pomegranates and foods rich in Omega-3s (such as certain fish) are also beneficial choices. Olive oil is a healthy fat with a high content of antioxidants. Avoid foods high in fat, whenever possible. Get into the habit of reading food labels and eat as much fresh food as you can incorporate into your daily diet.
Massage the Cellulite Area to Improve Circulation
Increase circulation to the areas plagued by cellulite by using daily massage. Massage will also assist in breaking up fat cells. In the shower or tub, use a body brush and exfoliating product. Another home remedy: coffee grounds. The caffeine in coffee can increase circulation, even when applied directly to the skin. Coffee grounds help eliminate excess water in the body that pushes fat against the skin and creates the dimply appearance of cellulite. Warm coffee grounds should be massaged into the affected area with a little bit of olive oil and left in place with plastic wrap for a few minutes. This unique and inexpensive technique can yield positive results when used regularly.