What Are Easy Ways to Increase Metabolism?
Adjust Your Diet
Making adjustments to your diet can have a dramatic effect on your metabolism. For instance, one way to increase metabolism is to build lean muscle. By supplying your body with enough protein, you can let it produce the amino acids that are responsible for building those muscles. Another adjustment is to eat several small meals vs. three large ones. Smaller meals are like a constant source of work for the body, whereas larger meals can make you motionless as your body tries to digest it. The healthier the meals, the easier it is for your body to digest them and add a constant source of high-metabolism energy.
Get Well Rested
Sleeping well is also an easy way to increase your metabolism. Instead of spending that extra hour watching TV or surfing the Internet, lie down with a good book and quiet music. Good sleep gives your body a chance to perform necessary maintenance functions like repairing broken skin and disseminating nutrients. The last few hours of sleep are dedicated to rebuilding torn muscle fibers into newer, stronger ones. With good sleep, you could find yourself waking up refreshed and already energized for the next day's work.
Add Indirect Exercises
If hitting the gym on a regular basis is a little too time-consuming, you can add a few mini-workouts that keep your body moving and burning energy. Park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the main entrance. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Substitute e-mailing a coworker and hand deliver the message instead. While you're at your desk, stand up for every half hour you sit down. Bring a sack lunch and walk to a quiet spot near work vs. hitching a ride to the local restaurant. All of these little extra motions can give your body's internal organs a necessary boost for increasing metabolism.