How to Gain Weight Instantly
Things You'll Need
- Supplements
- Food Diary
All About Calories!
Track the number of calories you ingest for one week. Chances are that you either do not eat much or that your metabolism burns everything you eat. Three thousand five hundred calories is equal to one pound. Do not try to gain too much at once since this can be as unhealthy as losing too much weight at once. Aim to gain about 1 to 2 pounds per week. Once you figure out how many calories you consume per day, add approximately 500 to 1000 calories per day every day of the week. This will result in a one to two pound weight gain per week.
Eat three large meals per day with snacks in between. Eating very small meals five to six times per day will speed up metabolism and that is not the goal! Consume the largest meal of the day before bedtime. These calories are more easily stored as fat but can also be utilized for energy at a later time.
Include complex carbohydrates in your diet. Foods like baked potatoes, apples, granola bars, waffles, dried fruits, whole grain breads, etc. are excellent foods that will increase caloric value but maintain health. These will add bulk to your frame instead of fat only. Add good fats like Omega 3s, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Fish, fish oils, flax seed, sunflower, and corn oils are good fats to incorporate into a diet aimed at weight gain.
Drink supplement shakes in between meals. Protein shakes can increase your bulk and may be obtained from any supermarket or vitamin store. Remember, these are in addition to three square meals a day so do not use one as a meal replacement. Also, smoothies and milk shakes can be used as dessert.
Exercise to increase muscle tone and not burn calories. Cardiovascular activities such as running, swimming, walking, etc., will burn calories and will counteract your goal of gaining weight. Resistance training such as lifting weights and circuit training will increase muscle tone and this will increase overall size. Muscle weighs much more than fat.