Nutrition Plans to Gain Weight
Eat the Right Foods
Most weight gain plans stress the need to eat at least three meals a day and snack in between. That's because the food you eat should be healthy and low-fat, which means you need lots of it (eating fast food, ice cream and pizza would add pounds faster but in an unhealthy way). Athletes trying to gain weight should stress foods high in protein like lean meat, fish and poultry. Carbohydrates are also an important part of the mix, since they produce and replace the energy your body burns and needs to replenish. Good sources of carbohydrates include cereal, bread, potatoes and pasta. Also mix in regular servings of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on high-calorie items like bananas.
Eat After You Exercise
Any weight gain plan has to incorporate some type of exercise regime, whether it's walking, running, swimming, cycling or weight lifting. Remember, you want to gain muscle weight, not fat. After you exercise, always eat a healthy snack to replace those burned calories. Good snack options are granola bars, yogurt, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And whenever possible, rehydrate with a sports drinks like Gatorade or with apple or orange juice. Water is fine, but it doesn't contain any calories. A quart of apple juice, on the other hand, contains 800 calories. On the other hand, avoid soft drinks that contain sugar and caffeine.
Use Supplements if Necessary
Most people can gain weight and get all the nutrition they need by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. But supplements can help if you're having trouble. Health food stores and supermarkets sell protein shakes that are loaded with protein and extra calories, as well as weight-gain supplements like Ensure. The shakes can also substitute for snacks if you want to consume calories but don't feel like eating. Smoothies are another good source of calories and nutrients, and you can buy them in any supermarket or get them freshly-made at health food stores.
The golden rule is to avoid empty calories and fatty foods that will deliver the kind of weight gain you don't want, though foods with Omega-3 fatty acids like tuna, salmon and nuts are good. And just to be on the safe side, take a multi-vitamin every day to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.