How to Order Phentermine Online
Things You'll Need
- user account
- Medical prescription
Access an online pharmacy's website, such as
Click on the "Sign In" tab link in the upper right corner of the screen, when the official website homepage loads. Scroll to the bottom of the "Sign In" window when it opens, and select the "Create a New Account" action below the "New Customers" section of the window.
Create an account with the website. In the blank data forms under the New Customers section that will appear on the next screen, type your name and email address. Create a password and confirm it by typing it into the two lower blank data forms in the window. Click on the "Continue" tab link at the bottom of the data forms to submit your information. You will be logged in automatically, and the screen will redirect back to the homepage.
Type the word "Phentermine" in the "Search" bar in the upper left corner at the top of the screen. Click on the white arrow on the right side of the data form to search for the medication. When the search results load, click on the third Phentermine option that reads, "Phentermine HCl 37.5 mg Capsules."
Choose the amount of pills you want. When the next screen loads, you will see a list of different quantities. Click on the radio button with the quantity you desire. Click on the "Add to Cart" action at the bottom of the list of quantities.
Provide your medical history. Fill out the medical history data forms that will appear on the next screen. You will be prompted to provide your personal information such as your full name, birthday, address and phone number. Scroll down the screen and check all of the boxes that apply to your drug allergies, medical conditions and illnesses, and current medications. Click "Continue" at the bottom of the screen.
Enter your prescription information. You will be prompted to choose whether you want a generic brand or the brand-name medication. If you have an insurance card, click on the "Add Card" option at the bottom of the screen. Enter your insurance company's name and the card number. Click "Submit."
Pay for your prescription. Enter your credit card information and credit card billing information. At the bottom of the screen, choose the address you want your prescription sent to if it is different from the credit card's information. Click "Continue" to process your order. A confirmation screen will appear and display a confirmation number. This number also will be sent to the email address you provided when setting up the account.