High Fiber Foods for Weight Loss
High fiber foods fill you up with less calories. Feeling fuller will help you to eat less and along with exercise will enable you to lose more weight.
How it Works
According to the Mayo Clinic, dietary fiber aids in weight loss by keeping the digestive track functioning correctly thereby avoiding constipation. Keeping regular helps in weight loss by giving you energy and helping you to feel fuller longer.
The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get 25 to 38 grams of dietary fiber daily. Whole grains, beans, dark green vegetables and pears with the skin on are all good sources of dietary fiber.
High Fiber Fruits
Two cups of sliced strawberries are 130 calories and add 8 grams of fiber. One apple with the skin is under 100 calories and has 5 grams of fiber.
High Fiber Vegetables
High fiber vegetables fill you up allowing you to eat less and lose weight. Two cups of steamed broccoli has only 87 calories but add 9 grams of fiber to your diet.
According to the Dietary Fiber Guide, one slice of whole grain bread equals 2 grams of fiber and 69 calories. One slice of white bread has half the fiber and 50 more calories.