How to Calculate Body Weight
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- A pencil
- Paper
- Calculator
- A yard stick or tape measure
Find a body mass index calculator online. You can punch in your weight, height and age. Then you hit the calculation button on the site, and it will come up with your ideal weight. But if you don't trust these, you can do it yourself.
Weigh yourself once a week. You should do this at the same time each week and on the same scale. It doesn't matter if you have clothes on or not. It's a good idea to weigh in early in the morning before breakfast and after going to the bathroom. As you do this, write down your weight. This is to use in a body mass index formula.
Use the yard stick or tape measure to get your height in inches. This too is part of the body mass index. Take those inches and square it. Multiply those inches. For example, if you are 63 inches tall, then 63 times 63 equals 3,969. Write this down along with your weight.
Divide your weight by the figure you got in Step 3. For example, to calculate body weight, if your weight is 221 divide it by 3,969.
Multiply the number you got in Step 4 by 703. This will determine your body mass index.
Check your body mass index number to see if you are healthy. If your number is low, like an 18, you are thin and almost under weight. Anywhere between 18.6 to 24.9 would be a good maintenance goal. Anything over 24.9 is overweight, and anything higher than 30 is obese.
Use another method of calculating body weight. If a woman weighs in at 100 pounds. She would take her height and add on 5 pounds per inch over 60 inches. For example, if she's 5 foot 3 inches, then she should weigh about 115 pounds. A man that weighs in at 106 pounds would take his height and add 6 pounds per inch over 60 inches.