The Best Way to Get a 6 Pack
The key factor in getting great abs is proper nutrition. Eat plenty of protein in the form of lean meats, turkey, chicken, beans, fish, eggs, milk and protein bars and shakes. You also should eat lots of vegetables and avoid sugar and junk food. Fruits can be eaten in moderation, but they can cause a rise in blood sugar levels, which will cause you to have cravings and can wreak havoc on your diet. Be sure to drink plenty of water, which will flush your body of toxins as you lose fat.
Cardio exercise is the only way to burn fat. Great cardio exercises are running, swimming, dancing and bike riding. Anything that will raise your heart rate throughout your workout will be a good source of cardio. Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of cardio for three or more times per week if you are trying to lose weight and gain muscle. Bodybuilders often do two sets of cardio per day when weight training.
Strength training
Ab exercises such as crunches and sit ups should be done at least twice per week. It is recommended that you do more for faster results. Be sure to vary your exercise workout and work each muscle group in the abdominal area to obtain the best results. The best ab exercises are resistance exercises, such as incline bench sit ups and leg raises.