How to Count Calories for a Teenage Girl
Add the following: (your weight in pounds x 4.3) + (your height in inches x 4.7) + 655 - (your age in years x 4.7).
Multiply your number from the above step by one of the following numbers: .2 if you are inactive, .3 if you are slightly active, .4 if you exercise often or .5 if you exercise intensely every day.
Add the result from step 1 to the result from step 2. This will be the number of calories you need daily to maintain your weight.
Read the nutrition label of everything that you eat or drink, and multiply the number of calories by the number of servings you eat.
Add the calories from every food or drink you consume during the day. Allow yourself the number of calories from step 3 if you want to maintain your weight; allow less if you want to lose weight.