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How to Calculate Optimal Weight
Things You'll Need
- A measuring tape Pen or pencil Paper Calculator (optional) A friend to help measure height (optional)
How to Determine Optimal Weight
Take off your shoes and stand straight, with eyes forward, against a wall. Take a pencil and mark where the top of your head aligns with the wall. A friend or family member might be able to help for a more-accurate measure.
Record your height with the measuring tape and write it down.
Determine optimal weight based on height and sex.
For a man, the optimal weight is 106 pounds for the first 5 feet, and 6 pounds should be added for each additional inch of height. For example, a 5-foot 8-inch man's ideal weight would be 154 pounds.
For a woman, the optimal weight is 100 pounds for the first 5 feet, and 5 pounds should be added for each inch over 5 feet.