Body Exercises With a Medicine Ball
Standing Torso Twist
This is a two-person exercise that should increase waist flexibility and straighten your arms. To begin, stand back-to-back but about 3 feet apart. Relax your legs and face forward. Pick up the medicine ball, then turn toward your partner as he turns toward you in the same direction. Twist only your waist. Hand him the medicine ball. Twist to the opposite direction as he twists. Take the medicine ball back from him and twist in the other direction again. Repeat. A good routine would be two sets of 10 reps.
Hamstring Curls
This one-person exercise focuses on the backs of your legs, which can be hard to work. Lie face-down on the ground. Place your medicine ball on the backs of your legs. Use your legs to pull the ball along the backs of your legs. Once it reaches the heels, flick it back up toward the top, using your hamstring. Repeat two sets of eight reps to get maximum results.
Chest Push
This is a two-person exercise that will work your arms and chest muscles. While standing, face your partner with your feet together. Hold the ball from behind and keep your elbows out. Push the ball forward while stepping toward your partner. Your partner will take the ball from you and step back. Step back as well. Now, your partner will do the same push toward you, and you will take the ball from her. Two sets of eight reps will feel good after a while.
Abdominal Curl
This is a great one-person exercise for your abdominal and core muscles. Sit on the ground. Rest yourself with your hands. Bend your knees, and put the medicine ball in between. Hold it firmly with your knees. Draw your knees up to your chest. Hold it for a few moments before returning. This difficult exercise will be finished after 12 reps.
Straight Arm Standing Throw
This two-person exercise will build stamina and strength. Stand with your feet slightly apart. While holding the ball, take the ball behind you. Make sure your hands are high. Really stretch your shoulders and your chest while you move the ball back. Step forward and throw the ball to your partner. Keep your arms straight. After he catches it, he will do the same back to you. Two sets of eight reps is plenty.