How to Get Cut
Things You'll Need
- Amino acid supplements Aerobic and fat-burning exercises Increase intake of raw foods Eat spicy foods Eight hours of seep each night At east 64 ounces of water each day Increase carbs and fats Herbs
Take amino acid supplements that help eliminate and flush fat. These include L-glutamine, chromium, L-arginine, L-carnitine and L-lysine. L-glutamine helps retain muscle growth and is effective at 5 grams per day. Chromium and L-carnitine work as fat burners and are effective at about 45 mg to 3 grams per day respectively. L-arginine is a fat metabolizer and helps release human growth hormone (HGH) which assists muscle growth. Recommended dosages range from 5 to 30 grams per day. L-lysine helps the body in the production of protein and maintain muscle mass. Up to 15 grams of L-lysine can be taken daily to assist in the development of lean muscle.
Burn fat with aerobic and fat burning exercises. According to the Mayo Clinic, your target heart rate can be determined from subtracting your age from 220. To burn the most fat, you should work out at 70 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. You can test whether you are at the fat burning range by testing your heart rate while exercising.
Stop in the middle of a high intensity workout and take your pulse with two fingers on the inside wrist or against the jugular vein in the side of the neck. Count the beats for 10 seconds and multiply by 60. This will give you your heartbeats per minute. Increase exercise intensity if you are not in the fat burning range.
Increase your intake of raw foods such as green vegetables and citrus fruits in particular. Because citrus increases metabolism slightly, it has some fat burning properties. Green, leafy vegetables contain amino acids that act as fat burners.
Eat foods that are spicy such as cayenne peppers, Tabasco sauce, garlic, hot peppers, chili powder and mustard. All of these sauces and spices have thermogenic properties and contribute to fat burning. Drinking green tea and caffeinated beverages also contributes to an increase in metabolism and therefore contributes to fat burning.
Drink at least 64 ounces of water per day to flush the body of fat. Studies have shown that cold water may increase metabolism and contribute to fat loss.
Get at least eight hours of sleep every night whenever possible. In addition, go to sleep at a regular time each night. The body needs time to recover after working out to replenish protein stores and build muscle.
Decrease carbohydrates and fats substantially. To reduce bloat and eliminate fat stores, carbohydrates should be limited to 25 grams or less per day. In addition, fat should comprise no more than 10 percent of the overall diet. Saturated fat should be eliminated almost completely. Carbohydrates are found in substantial amounts in breads, pasta and potatoes. Saturated fats are found in processed foods, cakes, cookies and chips.
Eliminate bloat by taking herbs that have a diuretic effect. The Mayo Clinic touts juniper and ginger as herbal remedies that work as diuretics. In addition, eliminate any excess sodium in the diet by cutting out salty foods, sodas or other foods or drinks with high levels of salt.