Ideal Body Weight Guide
Men's Ideal Body Weight
Men should be able to stay slightly leaner than women. The most important factor a man should take into consideration is his Body Mass Index or BMI. A healthy BMI will be between 19 and 24.9. To figure out your BMI, multiply your weight by 705, divide by height (in inches), then divide that number by height again. The ideal weight for a man can be found in the following ranges, as these numbers indicate healthy BMIs:
5 feet tall: 97-127 pounds
5-1: 100-132
5-2: 103-136
5-3: 107-140
5-4: 110-145
5-5: 113-149
5-6: 117-154
5-7: 121-159
5-8: 124-164
5-9: 128-168
5-10: 132-173
5-11: 135-178
6-0: 139-183
6-1: 143-189
6-2: 147-194
6-3: 151-199
6-4: 155-204
Women's Ideal Body Weight
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, so it is important they maintain a healthy weight and BMI. For optimum health benefits, women should aim for a BMI between 20-25. That means a woman's healthy weight range should look like this:
5-0: 97-127
5-1: 100-132
5-2: 103-136
5-3: 107-140
5-4: 110-145
5-5: 113-149
5-6: 117-154
5-7: 121-159
5-8: 124-164
5-9: 128-168
5-10: 132-173
5-11: 135-178
6-0: 139-183
Children's Ideal Body Weight
Calculating a child's ideal body weight is a little more complicated because there is a larger range of "normal" in children as they grow. Using a BMI calculator is the only way to tell if a child is underweight, normal, or overweight, since the healthy weight range is so large, especially for children still developing through puberty.