How to Curb Your Appetite with These Natural Appetite Suppressants
Denying yourself food when you are hungry is not only frustrating but can actually backfire on you. Your body will automatically begin to store food if it feels it is not getting it on a timely basis, which will make weight loss that much more difficult.
Another reason it is not a good idea to put off hunger is, the longer you put off eating, the hungrier you will get. Which means the more you will eat when you finally do sit down for a meal.
Luckily nature has provided quite a few foods that will naturally suppress your appetite to make you fill fuller faster without all the extra calories.
Below are some of the best Natural Appetite Suppressants
Drink Green Tea
There are so many health benefits to drinking Green Tea that I can't even begin to list them all here. However one of the best benefits of Green Tea is that it is a natural diuretic and metabolic stimulator.
It contains polyphenols; beneficial substances that promote the burning of fat. It also contains caffeine which is both a stimulant and diuretic.Drink at least 3 to 6 cups of green tea a day and you will feel fuller and less hungry all day long.
Eat Apples
Apples are another great natural food with many health benefits. When it comes to weight loss however, it is a great appetite suppressant because one large apple supplies approximately 5 grams of fiber which fills the stomach up for a longer period of time. There is the added benefit of apples being inexpensive and easy to carry around.
Make Yourself Some Hot Chicken or Vegetable Soup.
Hot liquids in general seem to take the edge off of hunger. Plus the chicken and/or vegetables are a great low-calorie way to fill up your stomach quickly. Another benefit is that soup takes awhile to eat, which makes you feel as if you are sitting down long enough to enjoy a satisfying meal, even though the calories involved are minimal.
Just be sure to stick with the broths and not the creamy kind. -
Eat Oatmeal
Oatmeal is another great healthy stomach filler without all the extra calories. It is also high in fiber and a great food to help reduce cholesterol levels. Add cinnamon, unsweetened apple sauce or ground flaxseed for flavor and think about eating it more often than just for breakfast because it can make the perfect lunch or snack as well.
Eat Salad
Eating a salad before a meal is also a great way to eat less naturally. The fiber again will fill you, making you fuller faster so you can leave more of the main meal on your plate. Not to mention that green salad is just plain healthy for you. Mix it up every once in awhile by making a salad of Spinach, cabbage, or endives.
Add Flaxseeds
These little seeds pack an amazingly healthy punch. One ounce of flaxseeds contains 8 grams of fiber. It has also been shown that flaxseeds lower cholesterol and have cancer preventive properties. Sprinkle some in your salad, yogurt, oatmeal, vegetables, cottage cheese or smoothies and easily reap their benefits with little effort.
Take Hoodia Supplements
Hoodia is gaining popularity as a great natural supplement that helps curb hunger. It originated from Africa and can be found in most health food stores. While it might take a few days for you to feel its effects stick with it and watch your appetite decrease.
Drink Water
Drinking enough water everyday is probably the cheapest, easiest and simplest thing you can do to help suppress your appetite. Drinking a full glass before a meal will automatically make you feel fuller and therefore have you eating less. Not to mention that quite often thirst will disguise itself as hunger and you may be drawn to eating meals that you do not really need to eat when all you need to do is drink a glass of water or two.