How to Correct Weight Gain with Stomaphyx after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Many people loose weight through Gastric Bypass surgery, only to find it creeping back on years later. The stomach pouch has stretched, allowing too much food into their system. If this has happened to you, there is a new procedure that can help you solve this problem. It is a relatively simple fix, and is not surgically invasive. It is called Stomaphyx. Find out if you are a candidate for this new proceeder that fixes post gastric bypass surgery weight gain.


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      Understand what the procedure is. The Stomaphyx procedure uses an instrument that is inserted into the stomach, through the esophagus. There is no cutting involved. The Stomaphyx instrument suctions up portions of the stomach and then a little gun shoots a needle into it creating a pleat. It's just like taking in a dress with pleats. The surgeon usually uses between 10 - 100 pins to create the pleats. There are still risks involved, as with any surgery, but they are far less than for gastric bypass.

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      Understand if it is right for you. Stomaphyx is currently only available to patients who have already undergone successful Gastric Bypass, or in some cases, Lap Band surgery. These patience must have lost the weight initially, but are experiencing renewed, uncontrollable weight gain. You will need to be evaluated to see if a stretched stomach is the source of the problem.

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      Check with your doctor. This is a very new procedure, so not all doctors are going to know how to do it, or even know about it. You may be referred to a specialist who knows the procedure. You many have to travel out of your immediate area in order to find a doctor who does this.

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      Check with your health insurance. Stomaphyx may not be covered under your plan, or you may have to pay an out of area doctor on your own. If it can be proved that this is a medically necessary procedure, you may be able to negotiate with your insurance to provide coverage for at least a portion of the cost.

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