How to Eat High Energy Foods
High energy foods do not consist of a snicker bar and a coke. While this may give a quick picker upper it also sets you up for a major crash landing. It may take a little bit of effort to bring a high energy snack to work, however, you can fix lunch and a snack the night before, so it's ready to grab and go.
When we speak of high energy foods many people immediately think carbs and carbs are a great source of energy food, however, we also need to think balance and eat a variety of them this includes protein, fat and a little sugar.
For starters some high energy foods for breakfast would be high fiber cereal, oranges/orange juice, banana, boiled egg, whole grain bread and low fat dairy such as cottage cheese or yogurt. A combination of any of these is healthy and will provide the energy you need.
Before I move on to lunch foods let's get a few snack items in, because some people eat a very early breakfast, so they may need a pick me up. Healthy energy foods to snack on would be apples, grapes, carrots, energy bar, peanut butter&jelly sandwich, trail mix and nuts, especially peanuts, walnuts, brazil nuts and cashews. You can also make your own trail mix combo, I always do.
While breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day I've always felt that lunch comes in second. After all, this meal has to get you through till evening, so it should be packed with high energy foods.
Good choices for lunch would consist of turkey or tuna sand on WW, pasta or bean salad, grill chicken, spinach, pear, cheese sticks or a large salad with cheese, chicken, carrots, eggs topped w/low fat dressing. For dessert a small energy smoothie would be a great choice.
Just in case you get hungry between lunch and dinner be sure to have enough high energy foods to carry you through, so that you don't have to eat junk food that will ultimately bring you down and ruin the day.
Dinner doesn't need to be as much of a high energy meal, since you're supposed to be winding down. That is, unless you have to keep going with other activities such as sports with kids, classes etc. This may vary from day to day, so keep in mind what your need is. It's also a good idea to plan meals ahead if possible.
If you do need high energy foods for dinner then opt to eat lean roast beef, sirloin, fish, pasta, potato, beans/lentils, broccoli and watermelon or cantaloupe for dessert. In addition, if you are over weight you need to manage calories since extra weight can make you feel sluggish.
Finally, it's best to eat several small meals a day if you want to keep energy up. Large meals zap energy and leave you feeling lethargic.