How to Burn Fat Dieting
Eat plenty of bananas. This fruit contains a high amount of potassium, a natural fat-burning compound that regulates your body's water balance and enhances your metabolism. Eat at least three bananas a day.
Consume ginger. This vegetable is composed of the active substance 6-gingerol, which burns fat by raising your metabolism and body heat. Add ginger to your dishes. You can also drink ginger tea, which has the same effect.
Eat plenty of soybeans. Soybeans contain the fatty substance lecithin, which inhibits your body from accumulating fat on a cellular level. Eat dishes with tofu three times a week.
Consume cayenne pepper. This very hot chili pepper contains the active substance capsaicin, which burns fat by raising your body heat and metabolism. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to most of your main dishes every day.
Eat cinnamon. Cinnamon contains the compound hydroxychalcone, which lowers your blood sugar, preventing glucose from being converted into fat. Add cinnamon sticks to a glass of hot apple cider or milk. Consume cinnamon every day.