How to Use Calorie Control
Calorie control is something that has to be done every day for best results. Hit and miss may take off a little weight, but it will come right back. There has to be a healthy eating pattern that is consistent. Then once you're at the weight desired you will need to create another one for weight maintenance to keep it stable.
To do it you need a plan and a few weight loss tools. One of the first tools to invest in is a food calculator. This way you can have complete knowledge of how many calories you eat each day. Another good one is an activity calculator to keep track of calories burned; now you have all calories under control.
Of course, knowing and doing is two different things. You must do what you learn for it to work. After all, if there is no action taken what good is the knowledge? This is true of most anything. So, you have a part and the weight loss tools have a part.
To make sure you do your part it's a good idea to join a weight loss forum or two and use weight loss tools available online. If you do it online nobody even has to know and it can be a secret. Not that there's anything to be ashamed of, but some people will only do it this way and it's a great way to get started.
Some of the best resources for calorie control are online. The ones I'm about to suggest are of great benefit and they are:,,,, and
Naturally, you can go offline and use Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, TOPS, Overeaters Anonymous and others as support. On the other hand, you may be the type who can go it on your own and that's great too.
Counting calories is one aspect calorie control the other is exercise. You want to be able to estimate how many calories are burned during activity. This is different for each person due to body weight. For example, a person who weights 210 will burn more calories that one who weighs 110 even though they are both doing the same exact exercise.
Naturally, if you do high intensity workouts you will burn more calories. A combo of cardio and weight training is ideal, since cardio works the heart muscle and weight training increases body muscle.
Finally, choose an exercise you enjoy, so that you will do it consistently and the right support system to keep you motivated and accountable.