How to Use a Scale
Using a Doctor's Scale
Remove any heavy clothing, such as boots or heavy sweaters, as these will effect the results.
Step on the scale, placing your weight evenly on both feet.
Slide the bar across the "tens" weight, until the bar balances perfectly and doesn't touch either side. The number that the bar stops at when it balances perfectly is your tens value. The tens bar goes in intervals of 50.
Slide the bar across the "ones" weight, until the bar balances perfectly and doesn't touch either side. The number that the bar stops at when it balances perfectly is your ones value.
Add the number from yout tens value to the number from your ones value. This is how much you weight. For instance, if your tens reads as 140, and your ones reads as 7, you are 147 pounds.
Using a Digital Scale
Remove any heavy clothing, such as heavy boots or a sweater. Digital scales ready down to the ounce, so the less clothing you have on, the more accurate the reading.
Step on the scale, distributing your weight evenly through both feet.
Wait at least ten seconds or until the numbers stop fluctuating to read the weight read-out.
Repeat three times and take the average for the most accurate weight.