How to Make Liquid Diet Shakes
Things You'll Need
- BlenderIce cubesProtein powderFresh or frozen fruitWater, milk, apple juice or orange juice
Place your blender on your kitchen counter, but do not plug it in or turn it on just yet.
Place a handful of ice cubes in the blender and put the blender lid on. Plug the blender in and press the ice crush button. If you do not have an ice crush setting, then use your highest and fastest setting.
Add a cup of whichever liquid you would like to use. To make a creamier shake, use milk (soy, almond, fat-free or rice). To make your shake more like a fruit drink, add pure orange juice or apple juice. Alternatively, you can add half milk and half water, or half juice and half water, to reduce the number of calories while still maintaining the flavor.
Add a half a cup of your favorite fruit. Pineapples and berries are low in calories and provide a burst of flavor with added vitamins. You may use fresh fruit, frozen fruit or crushed pineapples from a can as long as they have been preserved in their own juice.
Place the lid on the blender and turn the blender on medium to mix the liquid and fruit. Blend until the fruit has turned into a liquid. Turn the blender off and remove the lid.
Add a scoop of your favorite protein powder. Make sure it is pure protein and is not loaded with excess sugar, carbohydrates and fat. Look for a brand like Dymatize ISO-100, which has pure whey isolate and contains no lactose. Protein powder comes in a variety of flavors, so choose the one you find to be the most palatable.
Put the lid on the blender and turn on medium. When all of the powder is mixed thoroughly, turn the blender off, remove the lid and pour into a large glass. Take a sip and enjoy!