What Does a Liquid Diet Consist of?
Shakes or Protein Drinks
At the heart of many liquid diets is the shake or protein drink. The shakes are designed to provide adequate nutrition while severely limiting calories. Medifast offers these types of shakes, as does Slim-fast, although Slim-fast is not formulated to be a liquid-only diet.
Soups, Broths and Other Full Liquids
Many liquid diet plans have added soups, puddings and thin oatmeals to their product offerings. These products help stave off boredom from a diet of shakes. These other products are usually higher in calories than the shakes and can only replace a limited number of shakes per day.
Tea, Water and Other Beverages
Water is a big component of most diet plans. Liquid diet plans may also include weight loss teas or vitamin-enriched beverages. However, most liquid diet plans advise limiting fluids like tea or coffee in favor of plain water.
Weaning Off Liquid
Liquid diets also include a plan to wean dieters off a strict liquid-based diet. Foods are gradually introduced while liquid products are slowly discontinued. This step is best done under the supervision of a doctor or weight loss counselor.
Maintenance Phase
After the weight loss goal has been reached, there is a maintenance designed to keep the weight off. The maintenance phase includes reintroducing limited liquid meal replacements if a small weight gain occurs.