First Trimester Pregnancy & Exercise
Is It Okay to Exercise?
Your first trimester of pregnancy is an exciting time. There is the impending birth of your newborn to think about, overwhelming morning sickness and some new aches and pains to contend with. Exercise is probably not high on your list of to-do items for the day, but making sure to take some time to get some healthy exercise is going to help you sleep better, alleviate some of your pregnancy pains and potentially assist with a happy and healthy overall pregnancy.
If you had a regular exercise regime before getting pregnant, for the most part you will be able to maintain it throughout your pregnancy with a couple adjustments. During your first trimester, your body is a bit more delicate than normal having to deal with so many changes happening internally. This is an important time for your baby's development, and your body is working overtime to make that happen. High-impact exercise is not going to assist with all the activity happening in your body. Find ways to change your routine to a lower impact, shorter interval exercise plan, and you will benefit through your entire pregnancy.
Make sure to talk with your doctor before doing any kind of exercise during your first trimester. For a normal pregnancy, there is no reason low-impact exercise cannot become part of your daily routine. New to exercise? Pregnancy is a great reason to start something new and begin a healthy habit such as daily exercise.
Find a comfortable route within your neighborhood to enjoy a nice walk outdoors. For your first trimester, you might want to start out with a 2-mile walk every three days. If you are feeling really motivated, walking a mile a day is a wonderful way to help keep morning sickness at bay and get a great workout. By walking longer distances or at a quicker pace, you can regulate how much exercise you get.
What Do I Need to Start?
Walking is a fantastic low-impact exercise to maintain during your first trimester. It doesn't put any unfamiliar stress on your body, and you can decide how much and how far you go. Even if you aren't up for a 2-mile walk, taking a quick stroll around the block will benefit you during your first trimester in many ways. Just make sure to find a comfortable pair of shoes, keep your head up and shoulders back, and you are on your way to a healthy pregnancy.
You can go walking just about anywhere, and you don't need any special equipment to do it. Worried about maintaining an exercise regime? Find a couple other women in their first trimester and start a walking group. It's a super way to stay fit and share your first trimester stories at the same time.
Pilates is another low-impact exercise that uses your body as resistance to create a comfortable and easy exercise during your first trimester. Some poses and positions are not suggested for pregnant women, but you can find many DVDs or even a local Pilates class for pregnant women that will provide great results. Pilates was invented in the 20th century by Joseph Pilates in Germany and is focused on the concentration of breath and core alignment. Practicing Pilates promotes good circulation, great posture and lean muscle. Pilates combines the mental and physical, creating a flowing and challenging workout. Following the philosophy that Joseph Pilates started, movements are fluid, the exercises can be done slowly or quickly, and the body's "powerhouse" is focused on creating a solid body structure that is lean and sculpted. This promotes better posture and body movement.
How Do I Do It?
Certain exercises focus on your breath, which assists with a strong heart and blood circulation. There are also aspects of mind and body coordination, which help your ability to concentrate. This is beneficial to everything you do, If you are spending time coordinating your body's movements while concentrating on your breath, your body is multi-tasking which helps promote better mental health.
You can determine how much or how little you feel comfortable with while doing Pilates, making it another great first trimester exercise program.
Whatever exercise you choose to do during your first trimester, remember to listen to your body. If you feel dizzy, stressed or nauseous, stop exercising right away and take some time to cool down. Drink lots of water during exercise and don't work out on an empty stomach. Try not to include activities during your first trimester that involve running, jumping or quick movements. This is the time to take your time, flow with your body and encourage healthy breathing and positive thoughts.