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How to Burn an Extra 100 Calories Fast
Burning an extra 100 calories a day can be easy and fast. If you burn an extra 100 calories a day, that's 700 a week. Burning an extra 100 calories a day for five weeks equals 3500 calories, which equals one whole pound of weight loss. If you burn an extra 100 calories a day for one year, you'll weigh a whole ten pounds less without cutting back on food intake. Get started today, and lose 100 calories a day fast by doing any of the exercises below.Instructions
To burn an extra 100 calories a day fast, skip rope for only ten minutes.
Burn 100 calories a day in ten minutes riding a bike.
Lift weights for 15 minutes.
Make love for an hour to burn 100 calories. You can also make love twice a day for 30 minutes to burn 100 calories.
Run or jog one mile in ten minutes to burn 100 calories.
Take a walk for fifteen minutes and burn 100 calories.
Run up and down the stairs for fifteen minutes.
Turn on your favorite music and dance around the room for twenty minutes.
Wash your car for twenty minutes to burn 100 calories fast.
Clean your house. Vacuuming for 35 minutes will burn 100 calories.