How to Put on Weight Quickly
Increase your food portions and calories. To gain weight quickly, increase your daily calorie intake. One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. Increase your calorie intake by 500 a day to gain one pound a week.
Eat consistently. The average person eats three regular-sized meals a day, or four to six small meals a day. To put on weight quickly, eat several times throughout the day (every two hours), and include high-calorie foods in your diet. These include red meats, pasta, potatoes and beans.
Relax and control fidgeting. Having nervous energy burns extra calories and this can impede your weight gain efforts. Learn how to relax and don't rock or shake your legs while sitting or standing.
Start lifting weights. Resistance training exercises and weight lifting builds muscle mass, which can result in weight gain. Begin slowly, build your endurance, and then gradually increase the weight. You'll lose weight and gain muscles.
Drink plenty of beverages. Beverages such as milk, teas and juices contain several calories (about 100 per 8 ounces), which can add up and increase your weight.