What Foods Should I Eat to Gain Weight?
All carbohydrates contain four calories per gram of food and all fats contain nine calories per gram of food. Foods high in water and fiber content are lower in calorie density; thus, you should minimize intake of these foods when eating to gain weight.
Meal Planning
Eat three full meals plus a minimum of two hefty snacks each day. Healthy snack choices for gaining weight are full-fat yogurt or cheese, whole-grain bagels, eggs and nuts.
Eat to gain weight healthily by choosing whole-grain pastas, breads and cereals over refined carbohydrates and high sugar foods.
Choosing high-calorie, nutrient-dense vegetables like avocados, sweet potatoes, corn and squash makes it easier to gain weight.
Add cheese or milk powder to recipes such as casseroles and soups to give them a nutrient and calorie boost.