How to Lose Belly Fat Without Pills
Participate in regular exercise. Cardiovascular workouts burn fat by increasing heart rate and breathing. Exercise for a minimum of 90 minutes each week, and engage in high-intensity workouts such as aerobics, jogging and biking.
Exercise abdominal muscles. Low-impact abdominal workouts, such as Pilates and stomach crunches, firm the abdominal muscles and contribute to a fat stomach.
Increase protein in your diet. Protein builds muscle tissue, which increases the metabolism and helps burn fat in the belly area. Eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meats, chicken, dairy and nuts.
Limit carbohydrates. A low-carb diet is limited to less than 30 grams of carbohydrates a day. If you're active, you can eat 130 grams of carbs each day and still lose belly fat. Carbs turn to fat when the recommended daily intake is exceeded.
Avoid fatty foods. High-fat foods add abdominal weight, and increase your risk of developing different illnesses, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.