Healthy Eating for Weight Loss

Eating a healthy diet is critical for weight loss. Not only can the foods a person chooses help manage weight, but good nutrition can reduce a person's risk of chronic diseases often exacerbated by excess weight, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, and stroke. A few key nutritional strategies can make healthy eating while dieting easier.
  1. Colorful Foods

    • The American Dietetic Association recommends that dieters pack their plate with colorful fruits and vegetables, which are low in calories and rich in nutrients. Choose green, orange and deep yellow, purple and blue, red, and white, tan, and brown fruits and vegetables.


    • Foods full of fiber not only help eliminate waste products from the body, but it also helps you feel full longer—critical when you're trying to cut calories for weight loss. Fiber-rich foods include lentils and beans, whole fruits, brown rice, whole-grain cereals and breads, and other vegetables.

    Healthy Fats

    • Cooking with healthy oils, such as canola and olive oil, is better for weight loss than butter, margarine, or shortening, the American Dietetic Association says. Keep in mind that a small amount of healthy fat goes a long way - these fats are still full of calories, so you don't derail your weight loss by consuming large amounts.

    Protein and Calcium

    • Research from the Journal of Nutrition suggests that dieters who ate a higher-protein, calcium-rich diet lost weight without losing critical bone mass. Protein-rich foods include lean cuts of beef, poultry, and fish; calcium-rich foods include low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products.

    Calories Count

    • To lose a pound of body fat, you need to cut 3,500 calories - or burn 3,500 calories. The American Dietetic Association recommends using the information on the Nutrition Facts labels or keeping a food diary to make sure you're eating to lose.

    Portion Size

    • Consuming overly large portions can slow down your weight loss progress. The Weight-control Information Network suggests comparing your food portion to everyday objects. Choose cereal the size of a fist (1 cup), rice or pasta in the size of half a baseball (1/2 cup), and cheese the size of four stacked dice (1.5 ounces).

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