How to use a Free Calorie Counter to Determine Calories Burned While Riding a Bike
To determine the number of calories you burn while riding , simply go to the resource section of this article and click on your free link to WebMD's calorie counter. Input your current weight, Select bicycling as your activity, Input the length of time you will be riding and Click on the calculate button. This nifty calorie counter tells you the number of calories that you will burn while riding your bike.
Don't stop there, riding a bike is a great form of exercise and the calorie counter provided the proof so get out your bike and put some miles on it. Regular physical activities, such as riding, will impact your health in a very positive way. Not only are you burning calories, your physical and psychological well being will be improved through regular exercise.
If you can't find the time to get out your bike, don't worry, the calorie counter can give you 19 other activity ideas that burn calories and provide you with the calorie consumption data for each one of those activities too. It is time to get in shape and take control of your health and well being the best way you know how. So burn some calories and reduce your risk of developing or dying from a major illness.