How to Find Your BMI (Body Mass Index)
Things You'll Need
- Internet or
- Scale
- Calculator
Here is the formula used to calculate your BMI :
BMI equals :
weight in pounds
Divided by
height in inches squared multiplied by 703
So basically all you need to do is write down your weight then write down your height in inches squared (example : 60 inches multilplied by 60 inches equals height squared in inches for someone 5 feet tall . )Take your weight and divide it into your height in inches squared . Then take that number and multiply it by 703 .
If you don't have a calculator or just dont feel like doing math equations , you can find your BMI on many different health websites . One website I recommend is caloriecontrol dot org (see resources section below)
Calculating your BMI with the assistance of a website is simple . Just input your height / weight , press enter , and in seconds your BMI will be displayed .
You BMI will be one of the numbers displayed in the chart below :
BMI Weight----------------Status
Below 18.5--------------Underweight
18.5 -24.9----------------Normal
25 - 29.9---------------Overweight
30 & Above----------------Obese -
Use your BMI calculation to reach your ideal body weight