Ideal Weight Range for Teenagers
Not only can an unhealthy weight lead to a lifetime of ailments, it can also lead to social problems. Do not underestimate the seriousness of overweight or underweight teenagers.
Media Images and Quick Fixes
While you don't want your teenagers to be overweight, it is essential to instill in them reasonable ideals of a healthy weight. Do not rely on the media, and do not rely on "quick fix" products.
Teenage bodies undergo massive and rapid height and weight fluctuations, further complicating how to determine if a teen is at a healthy weight. A general rule of thumb is to make sure the growth is proportional, in addition to monitoring BMI.
BMI Calculators
Use the formula for children and teens from 2 to 20 years old when calculating BMI for teenagers. An online calculator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is listed in Resources below.
Grey areas
When in doubt about whether a teen is underweight or overweight, consult a doctor. If a teenager is too much of one extreme, she may have an eating disorder.