How to Calculate Normal Weight
Things You'll Need
- Tape measure
Calculate your Body Mass Index, or BMI. The BMI scale uses your height and weight to estimate how much of your body mass is made up of fat. The BMI scale cites a normal weight as a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. Use the link in the Resources section below to calculate your BMI.
Calculate your body fat percentage. Your percentage of body fat can help determine if you are at a healthy weight. An approximate normal range is between 20 to 30 percent, but these figures differ based on age. See the Resources section for a body fat percentage calculator.
Consult a chart. There's a link to one in the Resources section that lists what your healthy weight should be based on height and age. This should only be used as an approximation, since it doesn't always take into account things like muscle mass and fluid retention.
Get evaluated by your doctor. Your doctor can determine if your weight contributes to any overall health problems. This is likely the best way to determine if you are at a healthy weight. Certain factors like muscle mass and bone structure can make measurements like the BMI unreliable. Genetics and family medical history also plays a factor in what a person should consider their healthy weight. Your doctor can run tests and evaluate your personal and family medical history and assess your wight taking all factors into account.