How to Burn an Extra 100 Calories Daily
is not mandatory. In most circumstances, you can burn calories easily in normal daily routines or activities. These steps are for a person who weighs about 150 pounds. If you weigh more, you will burn more calories with the same level of effort in the same amount of time.
Things You'll Need
- The Plan
- Exercise
Walk. Walking is one of the easiest and best exercises to burn calories. Step into your walking shoes and walk briskly around the neighborhood or a nearby park for 20 minutes a day to burn 100 extra calories.
Walk the dog. The dog needs exercising every day and so do you. Take this opportunity to get in shape while you walk your pet. This should easily burn 100 calories in 20 minutes.
Aerobics. About 15 minutes of medium-level aerobics will burn away 100 calories -- more if you are heavy to begin with. Try marching or jogging in place. You can, in effect, do anything that involves exercising continuously while breathing deeply.
Bicycle in the park. Bicycling is an excellent aerobic exercise, too, and burns about 100 calories in 15 minutes with medium effort.
Dance. Turn on the radio and get moving. Dance 20 minutes to burn at least 100 calories.
Garden. About 20 minutes of gardening burns 100 calories.
Golf. Thirty minutes of golfing burns at least 100 calories.
Clean. Beautify the house and burn 100 calories in 20 minutes.
Mow the Lawn. Getting the lawn in shape burns about 100 calories in 20 minutes.
Jump Rope. Expect to burn 100 calories or more jumping rope for 10 minutes.
Swim. This is an exercise that is easy on the joints. Good for just about everyone. Swimming burns 100 calories in 10 minutes.