What to Eat to Gain Weight Quickly
Things You'll Need
- Paper
- Pencil
- Healthy foods
Calculate the number of calories that you normally eat. Most people that are on the thin side are that way because their metabolism gobbles up the calories or they simply don't eat enough. Track your food intake for a few days and it will tell you which type you are. It takes 3,500 calories to gain 1 lb. You need to increase the amount you eat by 1,000 calories a day to gain 2 lb. a week.
Adjust your eating habits. Make sure you eat three meals a day with the heaviest one at night, but allow for some high-calorie snacking in between the meals and at bedtime.
Add all the extras. When you eat a slice of toast, don't settle for just plain toast. Add peanut butter, jelly, regular butter and a dot of cinnamon for extra flavor. Add dry milk to casseroles and soups. Don't forget the sour cream and butter for the mashed potatoes. Heap your salads with creamy dressing and don't forget the dip if you have chips. Drink a cup of hot chocolate instead of tea at night and swirl it with gobs of extra, real whipped cream. You need to increase the consumption of fats, but keep it healthy and make them monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These come from sunflower oils, corn oils, certain fish oils, extra virgin olive oil, organic coconut oil and flax-seed oils.
Drink liquid supplements to add to your caloric intake. A protein shake or vitamin-packed shake is a good healthy snack and far better for gaining weight. Check out the healthy shakes to make as a snack. Milk shakes also add many calories when you substitute them for coffee, tea or water.
Munch on canned fruits or dried fruit instead of its fresh partner. One piece of fresh fruit fills you up as much as double the serving of dried fruit. A glass of juice instead of the fruit provides extra calories and doesn't fill your stomach as much.
Make snacks ahead and keep them easy to access. If you're trying to gain weight you have to follow good eating habits, but you sometimes need a few tricks. Unlike the person trying to lose weight, you want those scrumptious trail-mix granola bars sitting out to entice you. Keep nuts and dried fruit in the living-room candy dish to munch on when you're hungry.
Exercise to build bulk. It may sound counterproductive to increase your output of calories, but you do want to build muscle, not fat, and therefore need exercise. Increased exercise also increases appetite. Make sure that you increase your fluid intake when you begin your effort to gain weight.