How to Speed Up the Metabolism in Middle Age
Eat protein. Eat three protein rich meals per day. Also add two protein snacks to boost your metabolism so that you burn calories all day long. Protein also helps build muscle, and muscle burns calories. Fish, nuts, eggs, turkey, and low-fat cheeses are good sources of protein.
Get enough sleep. Your body needs at least eight hour of sleep per night to help defend against stress and to fight off weight gain. Fatigue also causes us to reach for sugars to help energize us during the day, which adds empty calories and creates weight gain.
Exercise. Treadmills are great, but weight training is the key to building healthy muscle that will burn calories all day long. Resistance training such as free weights or exercise bands can reshape your body and your metabolism.
Increase your fiber intake. Fiber keeps you full so take fiber supplements or eat foods that are high fiber to help stave off the snacking and empty calories. Fresh fruit and vegetables help you get the vitamins and nutrients you need, and they keep you feeling satisfied.
Drink some tea. Green tea contains EGCG which is an antioxidant. It can prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease, but it can also boost your metabolism. Although caffeine is a factor in tea, green tea does more than other caffeinated beverages to help boost your metabolism and fight weight gain.
Enjoy your spicy foods. Cayenne peppers and chili peppers may make your feel hot, but they also kick up your metabolism as much as 50 percent. Chock full of vitamins, calcium and potassium, these peppers can also reduce cholesterol!
Eat all three meals. Don't skip breakfast. Eating breakfast helps get your metabolism going for the day. A bowl of oatmeal, cereal or yogurt is an essential start to getting your metabolism humming. It keeps you from grabbing that doughnut at the office.
Increase your vitamin D intake. Vitamin D is vital in building muscle and keeping your metabolism going. Americans rarely get enough of this in their daily diet. Tuna, tofu, milk, and eggs are good sources of vitamin D. A supplement can be taken to ensure your daily dose.