Body Fat Facts
Fat is stored energy that is available for the body to use as needed. When calories that are taken in exceed the calories that are needed to fuel the body's activities, these extra calories are deposited in fat cells for later use.
Healthy people carry a maximum body fat percentage of 20 percent for men and 25 percent for women, although a percentage of between 10 and 20 percent is desirable. More than 30 percent of Americans are considered obese, meaning that they their bodies are made up of more than 30 percent fat.
Carrying too much body fat puts a strain on all body systems and results in multiple health problems. Very overweight and obese people have far higher incidence of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and joint problems.
Although genetics do play a role in how difficult (or easy) it is to lose body fat, the main determining factor is balancing the intake and output of energy. Simply put, losing body fat is a matter of using up the body's excess energy stores, which can be achieved by either adjusting the amount of calories taken in or increasing the amount of calories that are expended.
The vast majority of adults who are obese or overweight were also overweight as children. The development of healthy lifestyle habits in childhood are an important indicator of future health, and in large part determine whether or not a child will grow into an overweight adult.
Having too little body fat is as dangerous as having too much. Fat provides benefits including insulation, energy storage and storage and metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins.