How to Use a Body Mass Index Chart (BMI) to Make Low and High Weight Loss Goals
On a body mass index chart locate the normal or healthy BMI range on the chart. A normal or healthy BMI range is between 18.5 and 24.5. Find your height on the BMI chart and read across the chart in the normal range and make note of the normal weight range for your height. This is how much you should weigh.
Subtract the high number of your normal or healthy BMI range from your current weight. This should be your minimum long-term weight loss goal.
Subtract the low number of your normal or healthy BMI range from your current weight. This should be your maximum long term weight loss goal.
Calculate your weight loss goals based on this data. For example, if you are 5 feet 5 inches, or 65 inches, tall your normal BMI range is 114 to 147 pounds. This is how much you should weigh. If you currently weigh 160 your high weight-loss goal is 160 minus 147, or 13 pounds. Your low weight-loss goal is 160 minus 114, or 46 pounds.