How to Keep Weight off during the Holidays
First, pay attention to your normal eating schedule. Are you the kind to eat three meals a day? Two? Do you skip breakfast? Now might be a good time to start eating breakfast if you don't already. It jumpstarts the metabolism so you start burning through your food faster. If you skip breakfast, your metabolism might not work quite as well and is not as efficient.
It helps to eat smaller meals spaced throughout the day. Why? By constantly eating, you prevent yourself from overeating! You never feel starved and eat less than if you only eat two or three meals. (of course, this doesn't mean that you should make a small meal out of Christmas cookies!)
Limit the desserts. You can enjoy some treats, just not all of them. It makes it so much harder to follow any diet regiment when you are told to specifically avoid certain foods. By allowing yourself some treats, you never feel deprived.
That eggnog sure may taste good but too many drinks lead to unnecessary caloric intake. Avoid sodas and too many alcoholic drinks.
Any exercise you can handle is a great way to burn some of those cookies off. Go for a run, play Wii Fit, throw the football around with your kids. Just get up and move. Don't be a couch potato!
Keep the scale handy. Don't avoid it. Use it as motivation. If you see the numbers start to climb, refer to steps 1-5. And how knows? These tips might just help you remain at your current weight or even dip a little!