How to Eat to Gain Weight
Increase your caloric intake. Before you start to eat as if there's no tomorrow, remember that, just as there is a science to losing weight, this is true as well for gaining weight as well. Start by observing your current eating habits and how many calories you consume. Over time, you want to slowly increase this amount to gain weight healthily. Try to increase your caloric intake by 200 calories a day until you are comfortably consuming more calories a day at your target.
Soak in the starches. Starches like those found in white bread and pasta will help to promote weight gain. White bread is actually one of the most fattening foods that are consumed by people on a regular basis. Eating an extra slice with meals will sneak in much-needed extra calories without gorging yourself all at once. Potatoes are also a good source of starch.
Change the way you prepare your foods to add calories. This does not mean that you necessarily have to sacrifice health. Frying your foods, for instance, would add calories but greatly increase health risks. Avoid this by using healthier oils, such as peanut and olive oils. Prepare foods using more fattening ingredients like real butter and milk.
Accessorize your meal. Adding some sour cream to your taco or some cream cheese to your bagel will help increase your calories. Accessorizing every meal with small extras like mayonnaise on your sandwich will in many cases improve the taste, as well as make the meal larger. Since your aim is to increase your weight, you will not have to feel guilty about eating these extras.
Add a slice of cake. Make dessert am essential component of dinner, as it will help you to eat more and make it fun. Snacking between meals on foods like peanut butter dipped celery is a healthy way to pack on the pounds as well. Most people don't have to be forced to eat something sweet; although you don't want to make your desert or snack too unhealthy, small, controlled of amounts of indulgence are acceptable.