About Apple Cleansing Fasts
Steps of the standard apple cleansing fast:
1. The night before going on the fast eat a green salad for dinner and get plenty of rest.
2. For the next three days, drink only water and apple juice, and eat only organic red and yellow apples. The best apple brands for this diet are: Jonathan, Jenneting, Black Arkansas, Oregon red, Sheepnose, Delicious and Arkansas Russet.
3. On the fourth day, it is essential to drink 2 tbsp. of olive oil to help digestion as you ease back to normal eating. Without the olive oil, you may experience elimination problems. On the fourth day, you can also start breaking the fast by drinking orange juice, eating a light meal of fruits and vegetables, and introducing brown rice for dinner.
4. On the fifth day you may return to a healthy diet, and normal exercise activities.
1. The Jonathan variety of apple is best for the cleanse.
2. Using a few yellow apples during the cleanse is beneficial because pectin in the skin is known to reduce cholesterol.
3. Avoid high-energy or impact exercise while on the fast. Light yoga is acceptable, but it's important to remember that the fast is a time of rest for your body. You can resume strenuous exercise after the fast.
4. You'll get the best results if you repeat this fast once a month for a few months to make sure you eliminate all the toxins from your body.
5. If you're pregnant or have diabetes, you should not fast.
6. You can drink coffee during this fast, without cream and sugar.
Fasting has the potential to ease the discomfort of a wide range of ailments, especially: headache, debilitation, neuritis, arthritis, constipation, incoordination of assimilation and elimination, subluxations, anemia, stroke and pinworms. Fasting also has a psychological and spiritual cleansing effect and can help you achieve balance.
Fasting can give your body and mind a chance to rest, recharge and eliminate toxins. You may find yourself refreshed and re-energized after a successful, responsible fast.
Fasting isn't for everyone. Pregnant women should never fast. People with diabetes, liver or kidney disease, anorexia, bulimia, hypoglycemia, or anemia generally shouldn't fast. Anyone who wants to try a fast should get a doctor's checkup before starting a fast to make sure they don't have any medical conditions that would hinder a fast.
Although it's normal to feel tired during a fast, if you start to feel extremely ill or pass out during the apple cleansing fast, see your doctor, and gradually resume a normal diet.
After you complete a successful fast, it is essential to eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins low in saturated fat, and engage in regular exercise. Once waste and toxins are eliminated from the body, it is essential to assume a healthy lifestyle to keep your body cleansed. Most people see the best results if they resume the apple cleansing fast once a month for a few months.
Fasting is a wonderful way to cleanse yourself and realign your mind and body. The apple cleansing fast is easier to complete than a water fast, and supplies your body with a certain amount of calories so you can complete daily activities and maintain proper organ function. Apples, especially the skin, have an abundance of antioxidants that aid in the elimination of wastes from your body.
Fasting is often a state of mind as much as it is a dietary behavior. Take the time to fully experience your emotions during your fast, and let out any negative emotions you feel welling up through writing. Also take time every day to engage in prayer or meditation. Fasting is a time to cleanse your body, mind and soul.