Why It Is Important to Stay Fit
Once upon a time people the world over were able to stay fit simply by taking care of their land, animals and families. As society evolved and brought with it technology, from the tractor with a seat to the desk with a chair, we have become a world of sedentary inhabitants. While we once burned off all calories we consumed, today we are lucky if we burn off our morning cereal. For most people, care must be taken to incorporate daily activity into our lives. We must now schedule a time to be active each day, or at least several times a week, if we are to hope to keep staying fit a priority in our lives.
The U.S. government and its panel of experts deemed it necessary for the average American to exercise 90 minutes per day in order to maintain a healthy waistline. Taken in a large block of time, this task can be next to impossible to accomplish; however, there is hope. It is also important to understand that you must burn off more than you consume if you are hoping to maintain or even lose weight. When broken down into 10-minute increments, 90 minutes of movement is not all that difficult to accomplish. Rather than plopping down in front of the TV for a half-hour sitcom or hour-long drama and not moving a muscle, use the commercial breaks to march in place. Swing your arms if you want to add some difficulty. Walk up one flight of stairs at work and always take the stairs down for a few flights, at least.
Over time, these minutes will add up to a nice chunk of activity minutes and you could begin to see a difference in your clothes in as little as a week. You may notice you feel stronger, leaner and more in control of your muscles and less likely to fall. In later years, our sense of balance goes awry and we need to be more aware of our step. One of the best activities to stay fit is walking as it is low impact and low cost (you need only a good pair of shoes and the open road). Walking keeps our hips open and helps us to avoid the 'shuffle' you see so many of elderly nursing home residents doing.
Decreased weight or staying fit puts less stress on your heart to effectively pump out enough blood and nutrients to your body. Staying fit will also produce a nice line to your clothing and enable you to wear clothes off the rack in a smaller size. If you haven't noticed, clothing manufacturers started charging a few dollars more for larger size clothing made in the same style as the smaller sizes. Staying fit takes pressure off your knees, back, hips and feet.
A decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, many cancers, respiratory distress and greater longevity are all benefits of staying fit and staying healthy. Internet sites abound with the good news of what staying fit can mean for your long-term health, bank account and family.
If you already have a routine in place for staying fit and healthy, continue what you are doing, or perhaps challenge yourself in new ways. If you have a sport or activity you have been wanting to try, find a mentor either at your local gym, or ask your friends if they know of an expert. If you are considering becoming a little healthier, you may want to find a local support group, like Weight Watchers to help you in your quest. One of the best free online communities is the SparkPeople website. As seen on the Ellen DeGeneres show and in People Magazine, SparkPeople.com helps you monitor your food intake and activity level while providing you with articles on food, nutrition and emotional support among many other categories. You can also find like-minded individuals that are suffering through the same weight loss challenges that you have.
Expert Insight
Staying fit is a constant journey, not ever a destination that you will reach every day. It is important to remember that everyone has off days in their pursuit of fitness. You will crave a donut or a chocolate bar or maybe peanut butter. Take a bit of what you crave and have some. Total deprivation never works because you end up overindulging, feeling guilty and then never getting back to pursuing your fitness goals.
Easy does it. A couple of pounds a week can do wonders. After a week of being really good, give yourself a break for half a day and indulge in what you want. The next day, get back on track. You will feel less guilty about the indulgence and look forward to the next break the next week.