What Do I Need to Do to Gain Weight?
Gaining weight can be done in a number of ways, but anyone attempting to gain weight should do it in a healthy manner. Gaining weight in an unhealthy way, such as cutting out all exercise or eating fast food every day may work fast, but it can lead to health problems. Gaining weight correctly should be done by eating more calories, and eating calories that will help you add muscle rather than just fat.
Time Frame
The time it will take to gain the weight depends on how much weight you have to gain and how many extra calories you are consuming. There are calorie and weight gain calculators online (see Resources below) that can tell you exactly how long it will take you to gain your chosen number of pounds at your current rate of weight gain. You also can use weight calculators to find out how many extra calories you need to gain your set amount in a specific amount of time.
To gain weight, eat throughout the day. Instead of eating two or three large meals, eat five or six meals full of fruit, vegetables and protein. Eating junk food to gain weight can cause high cholesterol and heart disease. Instead, increase your protein intake to add weight with muscle. Take high-protein weight gain supplements along with your meals for a faster result. These are often marketed as protein powders that are used to make shakes.
When an underweight person puts on weight, it can lead to more physical strength and better organ function. It also can lead to more energy and healthier skin and hair. Being underweight can cause fatigue, infertility, anemia, and damage to the liver and kidneys. Gaining weight in these cases can reverse all of these adverse effects. And because underweight people are often self-conscious about their weight, it can result in better self esteem.
Anabolic steroids have been used for decades by people seeking quick weight gain. However, these substances are illegal and extremely unhealthy when used for this purpose. It stunts the growth of teenagers, and creates mental health disorders like depression and bipolar disorder. Women taking steroids lose their breast tissue, stop menstruating and often grow excess facial hair. Unlike weight gained the healthy way, the muscle that is developed when taking steroids soon disappears after the person stops taking the drugs.