How to Deal With Excess Water Weight
Ask a doctor to alter your medication. Medications such as prescription steroids, birth control pills and some anti-depressants can result in water retention and weight gain. Water weight normally occurs when the dose is high. However, tapering the dosage or switching to a different medication can eliminate excess water weight.
Drink plenty of water. Drinking water and other liquids doesn’t result in excess water weight. Quite the opposite, drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water daily can flush excess sodium and water from the body.
Reduce your sodium intake. If medications aren’t causing excess water weight, consider your diet. Eating high-sodium foods such as frozen meals, canned goods and processed meats can cause water retention and swelling. Read package labels, attempt to eat fresh foods and keep your sodium intake below 2,500 mg a day.
Eat a high-protein diet. Another way to reduce excess water weight is to eat a high-protein diet. Protein regulates the body’s water level. In addition, this nutrient flushes the kidneys and eliminates excess fluids. If you choose to reduce fluid retention with a high-protein diet, take a vitamin supplement. This diet can cause the body to lose essential nutrients.
Take a diuretic. Natural diuretics can effectively reduce water weight. These include foods such as lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and cabbage. Additionally, drinks such as green tea, coffee, cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar are safe and natural diuretics.