How to Eat Dessert on a Diet
Try smaller portions of your favorite dessert if you don't like the idea of trying substitutions. A miniature piece of pumpkin pie may beat a full serving of aspartame-laden sweets. Judge it for yourself. While dieting, remember that you can have larger portions of anything you desire in only a matter of weeks or months. Keep things in smaller moderation on a temporary scale. Looking at the big picture can help eating a tiny dessert much more bearable.
Look in the freezer section of your favorite grocer. In nearly all major chain grocery stores--and most smaller stores--there are several options for ice cream for those on a diet. Weight Watchers, Skinny Cow and Tofutti all offer yummy treats without the tax of high calorie guilt.
Look for "100 Calorie" solutions. These are ever popular in grocery stores today. You'll find packs of cupcakes for only 100 calories. You'll find your favorite brand of cookies in these packages as well. They are individually packed to preserve freshness...and to help you clearly divide and see what a healthy portion can be. Although the 100 calories aren't exactly sized for a big treat, you'll get plenty of bites to feel like you are eating a whole dessert...and then some, with some of the items!
Try going on commercial weight loss programs. Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem both have desserts as a part of their daily eating routine. Knowing dieters need that extra joy and motivation, they've created amazing desserts. On the Jenny Craig program, the chocolate brownie and chocolate cake are both extremely appetizing...better than many non-diet desserts. The brownie on the Nutrisystem diet is also a good one.
Stick craft sticks in your ice cube tray when you put it in the freezer. When frozen, a "water pop" can be a refreshing break in your day without adding any calories to your diet. While this will not satisfy your sweet tooth, it can feel like a treat until you can make time for a delicious low calorie dessert.
Eat your favorite dessert once a week. On programs like "Body for Life," you are allowed to eat whatever you want for one day per week. This is a great solution, and it gets the craving out of the way for most of the rest of the week. Save the dessert until that one day of the week where you can have what you truly want.