How to Fight Weight Gain During Premenopause
Be aware of your body and your feelings. Gaining weight during this time in your life can be very easy. It can seemingly sneak up on you overnight. Weigh yourself weekly, and observe changes in your general mood and feelings.
Explain what you're going through to your husband and family. Ask for their support. It doesn't help to eat healthy if those around you are eating junk food and fast food in front of you.
Get rid of foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates. It's alright to have a treat once in a while, but having multiple bags of chips, cookies and cakes will just serve as temptation to pig out.
Fill your cupboards and refrigerator with good food choices such as plenty of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Remember that a serving of meat should be about the size of a deck of playing cards. Stay away from processed foods, white breads and pastas. Pay attention to product labels for servings. Beans are a great source of protein and can be eaten in place of meat.
Incorporate an exercise or activity program into your daily routine. Walking is a great exercise. Even just a ten minute walk every day will make a huge difference in the way that you look and feel. When you go shopping, park further away from the door than you normally would. Malls are great places to go walking, and many malls will open their doors before the stores even open.