How to Stay on a Diet While on Vacation
Watch your portions and listen to your body. Many people who have trouble dieting simply do not stop eating, even when they feel full. The body is equipped with a hormone called “leptin” that enables you to know when you have had enough to eat. To stay on a diet while on vacation, listen to your body and save leftovers for later.
Drink alcohol in moderation. When you drink excessively, your homeostatic processes tend to get thrown out of whack. Homeostasis is the body's way of keeping a state of equilibrium. Medically speaking, this idea applies in many ways, but just think of it as your body kind of sticking to what it knows. If you are constantly drunk or buzzed while on vacation, your body can misinterpret nerve signals that may cause you to ruin any diet progress or consistency you may have already achieved up until a certain point. Think and drink in moderation to be sure your hard work is not undone.
Make a schedule and stay active. Try to keep a plan about how you intend to spend your days while on vacation. You will be less likely to get bored and overeat. Most vacation spots help people with itineraries to help them stay busy. Be sure to walk, bike or skate to places you need to go, if you can.
Give yourself cheat days. Before you go on vacation, be sure to schedule dieting cheat days, however you think it applies to you. Some people schedule extra sleep or an occassional pizza, for example. This in no way suggests that you should have free reign to do whatever you wish, but you will be less apt to go off a diet for long-term.