The Best Things to Do for a Healthy Life

A healthy life creates opportunities. You can discover new activities, enjoy adventures and play with children and future grandchildren. You'll live a longer, more fulfilled life. Being healthy means looking and feeling better, as the benefits are emotional and mental in addition to physical.
  1. Healthy Eating

    • Following a healthy eating plan is paramount. Eating healthy doesn't mean restricting all your favorite foods. It does mean moderation and making healthy choices that reduce calories, saturated fat, transfat and sodium. Try new, healthy recipes to make healthy eating delicious. Make simple substitutions such as whole wheat bread and pasta or low sodium condiments. Reduce sugary and fattening foods.

    Physical Activity

    • You don't need to sweat for hours a day on a treadmill. Get some activity everyday, even if just a half-hour walk. The idea is to raise your heartbeat and get off the couch or office chair at some point during each day. Incorporate activity throughout your day, such as parking further away or getting off the bus a stop early. Choose different activities to motivate you and challenge different muscles in your body.

    Staying Social

    • Social environments are good for your mental and emotional health. Get away from the computer and engage in face-to-face communication with friends and family. Human touch and communication helps you feel connected to a social group. Nurture and prioritize reciprocal friendships with people who value you, and stay away from unhealthy relationships.

    Education and Awareness

    • Learn about healthy eating and exercise. Education helps you avoid the new fad diets and exercise crazes, and make sensible choices to maintain a healthy body. If you have questions, consult your doctor. Awareness of your body helps you identify potential problems early, which is important for quick recoveries. Learn how to take any medications properly and follow all instructions.

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