How to Save Money Without Spending It First

You might try to save money only to find that you end up spending it before you can even attempt to save it. This article will give you a few ideas on how you can save that money without spending it first.

Things You'll Need

  • self-control
  • motivation
  • place to keep money
  • something to store money
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  1. How to Save Money Without Spending it First

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      What is easier? Is it easier for you to keep the money in a savings account you cannot touch? Or would it be easier to keep it in a cash box or jar?

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      Make your budget. In order to save money you should know how much you can afford to put back every month or check. Make your budget and even if you can only afford ten or twenty bucks at a time, it will all add up!

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      Keep it in a safe but convenient place. Depending on where you live you might be better off investing in a safe. This way if you happen to have a break-in all your savings will still be safe!

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      Set a reward. In order to keep from the temptations of spending that saved money, make a reward for yourself. After you have saved a certain amount, you get a reward. Not with the saved money of course, but this might motivate you even more to save the money and not spend it. Watching your savings grow right in front of you can be the best reward of all.

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